We are in the digital era. Our learners have become experts in technology. They know how to manage devices with little instruction.

They are able to work with new computers, tablets and smartphones but it is important that they know that these mediums have changed over the years.

Data storage device, more commonly called “pen drive” has changed in both its appearance and its ability hold more information. Diskettes were bigger and the disk drive on the computer or laptop was completely different to the USB.

Furthermore, 24 years ago we watched movies in VHS, a bigger tape not the same as the DVD we know nowadays.

Walkmans and Discmans were used for listening to music. The former was older and it was used with cassettes. In some cases you could also record your voice, which made them useful in interviews. The latter is more modern, however, at the moment is not used anymore. In this case, CDs were the adapted format.


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