Trabajando el libro «Jack the Ripper» de una forma global


Nuestros alumnos de 3º ESO han trabajado el libro Jack the Ripper. A continuación, comprtimos una breve reseña en inglés escrita por uno de los alumnos, fotos de los pósters y algunos vídeos interesantes.

Students of 3rd ESO have been doing an activity related to Jack the Ripper. We read the book in class and then we made six groups per class, one for each chapter.

The activity consisted on doing a mind-map with the most important information from each character, time, place… We also wrote a brief summary about the chapter and a short text comparing immigration in London now and in 1888.

Another interesting point was to think about the victim´s feelings, so with the help of some vocabulary, we wrote a reflection trying to empathize with the victim of our chapter.

After that, we recorded a video about our chapter: a draw my life or a short performance… and we shared every work with the whole class.

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