How healthy are you?


Healthy nutrition is not only a matter that should be handled by families and society. Schools can also play an important role to implement healthy habits.

Our middle school students from 2nd ESO have worked on a project about food and health. The purpose and goals of the project is to increase students’ awareness of food and a healthy lifestyle, as well as to take a deeper look at nutrition labels and the risks that sugar and junk food can bring to our health.


Moved by their educational awareness and the school’s spirit of commitment, the 2º ESO students have presented the project to some younger students (in 6th of Primary), in order to teach them about the Food Pyramid. They explained the main food groups and other healthy habits that are important in our daily life, such as drinking enough water, sleeping, and exercising. They have done a presentation to familiarize the primary students with the related vocabulary and some nutritional features, as well as a question game, a fun way to help them learn the facts presented. If the primary students have enjoyed our visit to their class and they think that they have learned from it, they must give a mark to our middle school students.


This project involves a cross-curricular approach to other areas, a collaborative project, and technological tools for learning, which are some of the aspects of an active methodology.

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