Los pensamientos son la raíz de las acciones y de la actitud y por ello juegan un papel fundamental en nuestras vidas.
Por eso, tener pensamientos positivos nos aporta beneficios en nuestra mente, en nuestro cuerpo y en nuestras relaciones con los demás. A continuación, compartimos una actividad realizada por nuestros alumnos de 4º de la ESO en su clase de inglés.
In our English class, students of 4 ESO did an activity based on writing positive qualities that made us feel better and more confident. In every picture we draw, in every positive adjective we wrote, we sowed the seeds of positive thinking in our mind and after that we felt full of energy and strength.
Positive vibes help people to find out who they really are because this lead to motivation and happiness. Many times we cannot control our external world but we can control our inner world by showing respect to the others at the same time we express our opinion, looking for the good in every situation even in the difficult ones.
It is a skill to learn through training and perseverance. Day by day, with positive thoughts our life can change.